This guide is meant for anyone interested in learning more about Kubernetes.

In just 50 days, you’ll
- Understand the basics of Kubernetes,
- Get hands-on experience with its various components, capabilities, and solutions, including Azure Kubernetes Service.
- Go from zero to hero with Kubernetes to set your company up for future app development success.
A Kubernetes Story | Day 1
Explore various components of Kubernetes, from pods to deployments, in this fun, illustrative children’s book!

Kubernetes basics Video series with Brendan Burns | Day 2-5
Join Kubernetes co-founder Brendan Burns for a series of videos that answer your general Kubernetes questions. Through the series, Brendan teaches you about containers, Kubernetes and its components, deployments, Kubernetes scheduler, and more.
Watch the Kubernetes basics full playlist (18 videos - 115 Minutes)
Azure Kubernetes Service core concepts | Day 6-15
Learn about Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) core concepts, including infrastructure components, access and identity, security, network, storage, and scaling. Each article covers a specific topic and only takes a few minutes to read, so you can understand the basics of Kubernetes in no time.
Check Resources at Day 6-15 Azure Kubernetes Service core concepts
Explore Kubernetes with Katacoda | Day 16-20
Participate in 10 hands-on, interactive learning modules through Katacoda to run your first container on Kubernetes. The modules explore basic concepts like YAML definitions, networking, secrets, application deployment, and more.
Check Resources at Day 16-20 Explore Kubernetes with Katacoda.
Microservices architecture design | Day 21-25
Learn about the infrastructure and DevOps considerations of running a microservices architecture on AKS, including a basic AKS the configuration that can serve as your starting point for most microservices deployments.
Check Resources at Microservices architecture design
Azure Kubernetes Service workshop | Day 26 -27
Follow a hands-on workshop that takes you through the steps of creating a Kubernetes cluster, deploying a microservices-based application, and setting up a CI/CD pipeline.
Check Resources at Azure Kubernetes Service workshop
Distributed system patterns and practices | Day 28 -32
Understand the repeatable, generic patterns and reusable components that make developing reliable distributed systems easier and more efficient —so you can free up your time to focus on more strategic initiatives.
Check Resources at Distributed system patterns and practices
Operational best practices for Kubernetes | Day 33 -50
Go beyond Day 1 with best practices for Day 2 operations. Start with a new eBook from Brendan Burns, then dive into best practices, from network security to create a CI/CD pipeline, collected from real-world deployments of Kubernetes and written by subject matter experts.
See Also