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CICD Build Test and Deploy to Kubernetes Cluster on Azure Cloud


  • Live Webinar: CI/CD Build Test and Deploy to Kubernetes Cluster on Azure Cloud
  • Level: Advanced
  • Time: 1 hour
  • Date: 2 May 2020, 12:00 BST

Live Webinar Agenda

Event Agenda

  • Quick Overview about Kubernetes
  • Understanding Pod in Kubernetes
  • Understanding Node in Kubernetes
  • Quick Introduction to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Kubernetes With and Without AKS
  • Quick Introduction Azure Container Registry
  • End-to-End CI/CD for Kubernetes on Azure
  • Demo
  • Create Azure DevOps project with a sample web app
  • Install Azure Pipelines Kubernetes extension
  • Create Azure Container Registry
  • Create Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Create Azure SQL Server and Azure SQL DB
  • Configure Azure Build Pipelines to get image, build image then push image
  • Configure Azure Release Pipelines to deploy DB and docker image to AKS
  • Run the build and release pipelines and examine the web app
  • Navigate to Kubernetes web dashboard for Kubernetes clusters

Registration Link

Registration Link

If you are not registered, please register at Live Webinar Registration Link.

Code of conduct

Please read the code of conduct before you join at Code of conduct

There is usually an updated version. I will go through it at the beginning of the session but in case you join the session late. You must read it before you join.
For further instructions and updates about how to join the meeting, date, time, code of conduct, survey, quiz, how to get support, registration, and any other information. 

Event FAQ


Please try to use the event posts on the Facebook page or the FAQ post. Please before asking any new question, try to find if there is already an answer to that question, check FAQ post 

Your kindly support is really appreciated by like, share, comment on his Facebook page and the YouTube channel.
Thank you so much for your help and contribution! Looking forward to seeing you all.

Recorded Session

See Also

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