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In SharePoint 2019, I have noted that the WSS_UsageApplication Proxy is stopped for the Usage and Health Data Collection Service Application as below!

WSS_UsageApplication proxy is stopped in SharePoint 2019

How I can solve WSS Usage Application Proxy is stopped and start WSS_UsageApplication Proxy in SharePoint 2019?

1 Answer

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Best answer

Starting WSS Usage Application Proxy using PowerShell

To start the WSS_UsageApplication Proxy, you have to provision it using the SharePoint PowerShell as the following:

  1. Open SharePoint PowerShell Mansewgemt as Administrator
    Open SharePoint PowerShell Mansewgemt as Administrator
  2. Run the below cmdlet to start the WSS Usage Application Proxy using PowerShell

     $WSSUsageAppProxy = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy | Where {$_.TypeName -eq "Usage and Health Data Collection Proxy"}

    start wss usage application proxy using powershell

  3. Go back to Centeral Administration > Application Managemet > Manage Service Application.
  4. The WSS Usage Application Proxy should be now started successfully.
    how to start wss usage application proxy using powershell

See Also

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