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in SharePoint Server by 22 35 43

I know I can restart the SharePoint Timer Service from services, but I have earlier read it's not the best practice to restart it, so I am asking about What's the best way to stop and start SharePoint Timer Service?

1 Answer

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Stope and Start Share SharePoint Timer Service

Actually, It’s recommended to use the command prompt to stop or start SharePoint Timer Service as the following:

1) Stop SharePoint Timer Service using CMD

  1. Using a farm account, run Command Prompt as Administrator.
  2. Run the below cmdlet to stop SharePoint Timer Service.

     net stop sptimerv4

    Stop SharePoint Timer Service using CMD

2) Start SharePoint Timer Service using CMD

  1. Using a farm account, run Command Prompt as Administrator.
  2. Run the below cmdlet to stop SharePoint Timer Service.

     net start sptimerv4

    Start SharePoint Timer Service using CMD

See Also, Start and Stop SharePoint Service Application using PowerShell

by 22 35 43
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Thanks for your quick reply, I already did that but the SharePoint Timer Service is started and then stopped! Can you help me on this?
by 173 237 463
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You're welcome, It look like another issue related to the user rights assignments local policy, Please ask your new issue in another thread to provide detailed answer
If you don’t ask, the answer is always NO!