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What's the Interface Segregation Principle?

- (ISP) suggests that a class should not be forced to implement methods it doesn’t need 

- Class should have small, focused interfaces rather than large.

Why use Interface Segregation Principle ?

This helps to avoid unnecessary dependencies and ensures that classes only implement the methods they actually need

Example Description:

I work on application that manage tasks between teams and i want to apply ISP in my code . This post discuss traditional way and advanced way to implement this case .


  • I prefer not to use the example below as it doesn't adhere to the principles of the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

  1. I have created an interface named 'IManageTasks' and defined four functions: 'FollowStatus,' 'CreateTasks,' 'AssignTasks,' and 'WorkingOnTasks.'
    public interface IManageTasks
        void FollowStatus();
        void CreateTasks();
        void AssignTasks();
        void WorkingOnTasks();
  • I have defined two classes that inherit from 'IManageTasks.' : Developer and TeamLead
    internal class Developer : IManageTasks
        // Below functions not applicable for Developer 
        public void AssignTasks()
                // TODO Logic
        public void CreateTasks()
                // TODO Logic
        public void FollowStatus()
                // TODO Logic
        // This function applicable for Developer 
        public void WorkingOnTasks()
                // TODO Logic
    internal class TeamLead : IManageTasks
        // Below functions applicable for TeamLead 
        public void AssignTasks()
            // TODO Logic
        public void CreateTasks()
            // TODO Logic
        public void FollowStatus()
            // TODO Logic
        // This function not applicable for TeamLead 
        public void WorkingOnTasks()
            // TODO Logic
  • I prefer to use the example below as it adheres to the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP).

  1. I have created two interfaces named 'IDeveloper' and 'ITeamLead,' each containing only the functions that were previously defined
    internal class TeamLead : ITeamLeader
        public void AssignTasks()
            // TODO Logic
        public void CreateTasks()
            // TODO Logic
        public void FollowStatus()
            // TODO Logic
    internal class Developer : IDeveloper
        public void WorkingOnTasks()
            //TODO Logic
  •  Calling the previously defined functions in Program.cs 
    Developer developer = new Developer();
    TeamLead manager = new TeamLead();


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