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Don't miss the .NET Learn Challenge introduced by Microsoft that would help you to learn how to build apps across multiple platforms with programming languages like C#, F#, and Visual Basic. Supported on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

By the end of the challenge, you'll have marketable skills to better yourself and your career.

.NET Learn Challenge

You might also like to watch the recorded sessions of .Net 5 Conference 2020. 

.NET Learn Challenge Collection Items (33 hr 48 min & 47 Modules)

To be able to join the .NET Learn Challenge,

  1. You should first have a Microsoft Learn account.
  2. Click on Join .NET Learn Challenge,
  3. Browse the Item from this link or from the below list.

Below are the collection items that you should finish to pass the challenge:

Write your first C# code
Store and retrieve data using literal and variable values in C#
Perform basic string formatting in C#
Perform basic operations on numbers in C#
Call methods from the .NET Class Library using C#
Add decision logic to your code using the if-elseif-else statement in C#
Store and iterate through sequences of data using Arrays and the foreach statement in C#
Create readable code with conventions, whitespace, and comments in C#
Evaluate Boolean expressions to make decisions in C#
Control variable scope and logic using code blocks in C#
Branch the flow of code using the switch-case construct in C#
Iterate through a code block using for statement in C#
Add looping logic to your code using the do-while and while statements in C#
Choose the correct data type in your C# code
Convert data types using casting and conversion techniques in C#
Perform operations on arrays using helper methods in C#
Format alphanumeric data for presentation in C#
Modify the content of strings using built-in string data type methods in C#
Migrate an on-premises web application to Azure App Service
Migrate your relational data stored in SQL Server to Azure SQL Database
Externalize the configuration of an ASP.NET app by using an Azure key vault
Implement logging in a .NET Framework ASP.NET web application
Improve session scalability in a .NET Framework ASP.NET web application by using Azure Cache for Redis
Explore cross-platform design patterns for Xamarin apps
Separate your UI and code with Xamarin.Forms data binding
Display collections in Xamarin.Forms apps by using ListView
Customize a Xamarin.Forms ListView
Design an MVVM viewmodel for Xamarin.Forms
Display relationships in Xamarin.Forms with master-detail navigation
Create custom controls with Xamarin.Forms renderers
Use effects in Xamarin.Forms
Build dual-screen Xamarin.Forms apps by using TwoPaneView
Create a mobile app with Xamarin.Forms
Introduction to Xamarin.Android
Introduction to Xamarin.iOS
Create a UI in Xamarin.Forms apps by using XAML
Customize layout in Xamarin.Forms XAML pages
Design consistent Xamarin.Forms XAML pages by using shared resources and styles
Prepare to publish your Xamarin app
Consume REST web services in Xamarin apps
Store local data with SQLite in a Xamarin.Forms app
Create multi-page Xamarin.Forms apps with stack and tab navigation
Create a web API with ASP.NET Core
Improve the developer experience of an API with Swagger documentation
Build a web app with Blazor WebAssembly and Visual Studio Code
Publish a Blazor WebAssembly app and .NET API with Azure Static Web Apps
Create a web UI with ASP.NET Core

Join the challenge 

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