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MazeedEl Mazeed Technology is looking for a talented UI Designer who can join us immediately.

Your role will be:

  • Managing different types and staging from design to production and design processes, you will work on creating visual designs including web, desktop, and mobile user-interfaces, enhanced branding and logo concepts including.
  • Gather requirements either from our business analysis or from customers and build user-stories, wireframes, interactive prototype, and full application flow design screens.
  • Slice images and optimize their format on different resolutions and sizes according to the targeted platform.
  • Print Design, 3D, CI, wallpapers, and cards is a 'plus'. 

UI DesignerThe main skills we are seeking include:

  • Experience in building software UI design.
  • Experience with different design platforms, web, mobile, wearable, TV and print
  • Fundamental knowledge of software design strategies and methodologies.
  • Experience with different design concepts.
  • Understanding of software development processes & being able to guide for developing or improving processes that meet the business goals of the organization.
  • Hands-on user-experience field and user-centric-design
  • Ability to read user requirements or create one and create out of it a user-stories, wireframes, and visual design.
  • Perform revisions based on user feedback.
  • You should have a good eye and sense of spacing between elements, design spirit, and ability to learn & give.
  • You should be able to work remotely and to travel.
  • Fantastic personality, open-minded, faithful with good communication skills.

Tools required

  • XD.
  • Photoshop.
  • Sketch.
  • Xara.
  • Illustrator.

imageVacancy Info 

  • Job Type: Full Time.
  • Location: Egypt, Cairo, Maadi.
  • Vacancies: 2 Open Positions.
  • Salary: High budget and other benefits.
  • Language: Arabic and English.
  • Experience: +3 years.


If you are interested, send your updated CV to Mshehata@mazeed.co and mention (UI Designer) in the subject.

If you hire people just because they can do a job, they’ll work for your money. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they’ll work for you with blood and sweat and tears.

closed with the note: Closed

If you don’t ask, the answer is always NO!