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This video is a part of our sessions at the First Global Power Platform in Saudi Arabia 2022 introduced by Monzer Osama which mainly focuses on How to Get Started with Power BI in Arabic.

In this video, you will learn:

  1. What's Power BI?
  2. Why Power BI the Leader?
  3. How to use Power BI Desktop?
  4. Power BI updates
  5. Reporting with Power BI
  6. How to build your first Dashboard using Power BI?

Watch the recorded sessions of the First Global Power Platform 2022 in Saudi Arabia

You may also like to watch the other recorded sessions in the below playlist that includes the following videos

  1. What's Microsoft Power Platform
  2. Getting Started with PowerApps
  3. Getting Started with Power BI
  4. AI in Power Platform
  5. The government opportunities for Power Platform.

Don't miss it!!

See Also, What's Microsoft Power Platform in Arabic?

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