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in Power BI by 27 33 39
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Is it possible to run Power BI Desktop using a different account from a different domain?

I know I can open Power BI Desktop as a different user.

But when adding the user with a different domain, I get 

the user name or password is incorrect

connect to powerbi with different domain account

How can I connect to power bi desktop using different user in a different domain

1 Answer

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Best answer

Run Power BI Desktop using a different domain account

Actually, you can use runas /netonly cmdlet to open any program with a different user from a different domain provided that you can reach the target domain.

 runas /netonly  /user:domain\username <Power BI Desktop excutable file path>


  • Locate your Power BI Installation Path.
  • Search for Power BI Desktop, Right-click on the Power BI desktop, select Open File Location.

    Run power bi desktop with different domain account

  • Right Click on Power BI Desktop shortcut, and select Properties.

  • Copy the Target Path.

Open power bi desktop with a different account in a different domain

  • Open CMD, - Run the below command line with your data.

     runas /netonly  /user:domain\username "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Power BI Desktop\bin\PBIDesktop.exe"

    replace domain\username with your user name. eg: debug\melqassas

  • Paste your cmdlet on command prompt and click enter to provide the provided domain account password.

    runas netonly cmdlet

  • The Power BI Desktop should be opening with a domain account from a different domain now.

PowerBI Shortcut to open as a different user.

You can also create a shortcut for power bi program to run it as a different user without repeating the above steps each time you want to connect to power bi with a different user.


  • Right-click on any free space, and select

    Power Bi Shortcut to connect to power bi with different domain account

  • Paste the below cmdlet with your info, click finish.

     runas /netonly  /user:domain\username "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Power BI Desktop\bin\PBIDesktop.exe"

    Power Bi Shortcut to connect to powerbi

  • Double click on the created shortcut, you will be asked for the password.

    Power Bi Shortcut to open power bi as a different domain account

  • The Power BI Desktop should be opening with a domain account from a different domain now.

by 27 33 39
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Thanks Mohamed!
If you don’t ask, the answer is always NO!