In the PowerApps canvas app, I connect to the SharePoint list that contains a person column and I want to display the current user in the combo box of this person column. I try to write the User().fullName but was not successful. So How can I perform set the default value for a person or group column in SharePoint Online using PowerApps?
Your formula is not correct because the Person column in SharePoint accepts a record of user information and you give it a string "the user full Name" so you have to set the defalutselecteditems to be a record of the current user "user information that you need and claims".
the user full Name
user information that you need and claims
So please use the bellow formula in the defalutselecteditems property of your person control in PowerApps
{ DisplayName: User().FullName, Claims: "i:0#.f|membership|" & Office365Users.MyProfile().UserPrincipalName }
For more details about the claims and person column, see this example Set Combo Box Default to Current User and Save in SharePoint List Person column
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